Three different shortcodes, from simple to advanced Promotions Marketing in your Theme in Detail
Pricing Deal Custom Categories do not affect Product Category store organization and presentation in any way.Grouping affects no other part of your store.Group together any products you elect seamlessly Using a Pricing Deal Custom Category in place of a store Product Category allows you to: Using Pricing Deal Custom Categories makes Group pricing and many other Discount Types much more powerful! With the Pricing Deals plugin, all of these activities can be applied and managed in one place. Maximum Deal Limits, including "One Per Customer" limit.Dynamic Pricing ("One-Day Sale on Laptops, 10% Off!").Group Pricing ("Buy 5 Laptops, get them for the price of 4").Whole Store, Wholesale and Membership (Display different prices for logged in users), Product Category and/or Pricing Deal Custom Category, Product or Variation.
For All deal types, the Pro Version gives the additional flexibility of applying Sales and Promotions to:.Audit Trail log of purchases with Pricing Deal Rule discounts.$$ yousave can show as the product displays, for display Rule type.Price reductions can show as the product displays, for display Rule type.Theme Promotions Marketing by displaying the Rule message via shortcode ("One Day Sale on Laptops!).Discount info both at Checkout and in the Cart Widget.Group Pricing ("Buy 5, get them for the price of 4").The product database pricing remains as it was originally set, while the Rule applies the appropriate pricing deal to the live store, cart widget and checkout. Pricing Deal Rules are applied to your store as the store information is being displayed, and at add-to-cart time. The Pricing Deal Rules gives you all the flexibility you need to create your Pricing Deal or Marketing Promotion campaign. Cart Widget reflects all discounts realtime.Theme Marketing via shortcode, showing deal messages anywhere on your site you desire.Wholesaler, Membership or Role Pricing (different prices for logged in users).Sale Pricing - across multiple products, groups or the whole store (without tedious database changes!).Special Promotions Marketing ("One Day Sale on Laptops!").