Short urdu stories for kids
Short urdu stories for kids

Soon, winter came days and nights became cold and very few creatures went out. The grasshopper would tell the ant to take a break every day, but the ant would refuse and continue his work. He would collect food from all corners of the garden, while the grasshopper relaxed, played his guitar, or slept. The ant, however, would work hard all day. The grasshopper liked to relax the whole day and play his guitar. Once upon a time, there were two best friends – an ant and a grasshopper. We pretend to hate something when we can’t have it. Walking away, he said, “I’m sure the grapes were sour anyway.” Moral of the Story It was getting dark and the fox was getting angry. He tried a few more times, but couldn’t reach. The fox jumped high in the air to catch the grapes in his mouth, but he missed. The grapes were too high but he refused to give up. He jumped high and high, but he couldn’t reach the grapes. No one was around, so he decided to steal some grapes. The fox looked around to check if he was safe from the hunters. Soon he reached a vineyard which was laden with juicy grapes. His stomach was rumbling and his search continued. He searched everywhere, but couldn’t find anything that he could eat. He was very hungry and desperately in search of food. On a hot summer day, a fox wandered across the jungle in order to get some food. The dove was alarmed by the voice of the hunter and realised what could have happened with him. He shouted from the pain and dropped the gun. The ant, who was saved the dove saw this and bit on the heel of the hunter. He saw the beautiful dove sitting on the tree and aimed his gun at the dove. However, one day, a hunter arrived at the forest. The ant and the dove became the best of friends and days passed happily. This way, the ant’s life was saved and she was forever indebted to the dove. The dove then carefully pulled the leaf out and placed it on the land.

short urdu stories for kids

The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up on it. Seeing the ant in trouble, the dove quickly dropped a leaf into the water. She was drowning but a dove who was sitting on a nearby tree helped her. She climbed up on a small rock to drink the water, but she slipped and fell into the river. After walking around for some time, she saw a river and was delighted to see it. On a hot scorching day of summer, an ant was walking around in search of water.

short urdu stories for kids

They pooled in their resources and got rid of the pests from their fields. The village head said, “Together, you are stronger and work better than you do it alone.” The farmers understood what the village head was saying.

short urdu stories for kids

This time, the farmers struggled to break the sticks. He then gave them a bundle of three sticks, and again, asked them to break it. He gave them each a stick and asked them to break it. One day, the village head came by and called the three farmers. The first one tried using a scarecrow in his field, the second used pesticides, and the third built a fence on his field, all to no avail. Every day, they would come up with different ideas to help their crops. Each of the neighbours had one field, but the crops on their fields were infested with pests and were wilting. Once upon a time, three neighbours living in a village were having trouble with their crops.

Short urdu stories for kids