What exactly do you need to do to make Superior Drummer drums to be 'processed' like Steven Slate?Ģ) People also say Superior Drummer is more complex, is it really hard to learn?ģ) Superior Drummer apparently only has one drum kit, whereas Steven Slate has 100. If anyone could help me out that'd be great!ġ) Alot of people say Steven Slate is 'processed' right out of the box, whereas Superior Drummer isn't. You lose the ability to process the samples to your own desire, but you get a lot of tonal choices to make up for it, and TBH the ability to process the drums in SD2 isn't much help to me when they already sound the way they do out of the gate. several, allowing you to pick and choose which sounds you want for a given project. I prefer the sounds for rock and metal in Slate (that's sort of their bread-and-butter), and you get a lot more sounds in the base plugin, like you said, one kit vs. It's essentially one really well done kit.Ĥ. The drums are quite good sounding, and the ability to process within the plugin allows for a lot of flexibility in regard to sound. It is much more customizable and complex than any of the other major drum plugins out there, but it won't be that hard to learn if you already have experience with plugins like this.ģ. The snare is already pretty snappy, the kick pretty clicky and punchy, etc.
I myself personally feel they sound processed even with nothing going on, regardless of whether or not any processing actually went on. You can also route each channel out and use your own plugins. SD2 gives you the ability to EQ and compress right in the plugin.